
martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013

Comenius "Youth Echoes" Poland, Swiebodzin.


Salamanca is not a very big city in the north-west of Spain, about 200km from the capital Madrid. Salamanca was founded before the IIIrd century. It has been declared a “World Heritage Site” by the UNESCO in 1988 and was also designated “European  City of Culture” in   2002. Walking along its streets, you can find out the quantity of architectural marvels the city has. Meeting the people there, the lively and student atmosphere, the magnificient culture and the hospitality, you will know how Salamanca is.


In the city centre, near to the young atmosphere, there is the Main Square: it is, surely, the most beautiful between the arcaded squares in the world. It was built during the XVIIIth century. It has, as a closer in the north wall, the city council building.

Very close to the Main Square, you find the “Casa de las Conchas”, in English, “The shell’s house”. It’s considered as the most representative monument of civil art from the Catholic Kings’s age. 

Down the street, there are the two Cathedrals:

- The old one was begun during the XIIth and it was continued in the next centuries. In the exterior, it has a Byzantine dome.

- The new one was begun in the dawn of the XVIth century; it was not finish until 1733. The principal front is a compositive and ornamental   ostentation.

Another important monument is the “Casa Lis”. It is the Art Nouveau and Art Deco Museum. It is the earliest modernist building of the city and its iron galleries and stairs  are opened as a waterfall onto the river Tormes.

Returning to the city centre, you find the University. It is the oldest University in Spain, inaugurated in the beginnings of the XIIIth century. The current building presents a very beautiful facade with the bust of the Catholic Kings and the mythical Salamanca’s frog.

Other important artistic buildings are the Palace of Monterrey and the Church of San Esteban.


It is a public High School, located in the center of the city. There are about 950 students and 80 teachers. The studies offered there, are:  E.S.O. (Compulsary Secondary School), “Bachillerato” and Vocational training on Health, Nursery, Pharmacy and Dentistry, both Degrees (Medium and High).

Since 2007/08 it offers a Bilingual Section in French and the possibility of doing the examination to obtain the DELF and DALF Diploma(Diplôme d'études en langue française). During the last years, we have been doing several exchanges with France (Castres), Germany (Braunschweig) and we are going to do another one with the United States (Connecticut).  We have also taken part in another  Commenius project called “Femina”.


Salamanca is located in the north-west of Spain, about 200km from the capital Madrid. It is not very big; it has just approximately 160.000 inhabitants. It is a wonderful city with a lively and student atmosphere and we would like to remark some aspects: 

1º: Salamanca is very monumental and touristic. All its monuments, even the new buildings in the center, are made of a stone which contains iron and so have a characteristic golden color and this, gives a strong personality to the town.  

2º: Salamanca is a vibrant university city. Every year more than 25000 students from all around the world choose Salamanca to learn and practice Spanish. Therefore, lots of cultural and sporting activities are offered during all the year: conferences, theatre, concerts, art expositions...etc. A frog is the symbol of the university. 

3ºSalamanca has a very important bullfighting tradition. Several famous bullfighters are from its land. 

4º: Salamanca is also a modern and very commercial city with many trendy shops. The shopping zone is located along the pedestrian streets close to the “Plaza Mayor” and here, you can find everything you need. There are also small traditional shops which sell  “souvenirs” and the typical handcraft of Salamanca, specially the “boton charro” which is the symbol of the city.

Finally, Salamanca has an intense nightlife with lots of pubs, bars, discotheques...So that, students confirm it is a good luck to study here! It was the first town in Spain which decorated in an original way, each pub, for example, there is a submarine, a port, a carrousel, a church...

And about our school, I will just say that it is located in the center of the city and that it offers Compulsory an Upper Secondary studies and Medium and High Vocational Training.

Let´ s see the video and let´s discover Salamanca and our school! 


Pantalla general

In Spain, education is compulsory for children from ages 6 to 16, but all children can start their education at the age of 3 in Preschool.

Pantalla pre-primary school

PRESCHOOL: ages 3, 4, and 5

It is not compulsory,
Its aim is to contribute to the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of boys and girls and to help them for the transition into Primary School.

Pantalla basic education

It includes primary and secondary education
It is compulsory from 6 to 16.
This education is free in Public and Charter schools and you have only to pay for private schools.
The academic calendar tends to be the same for all schools: lessons always begin in September and end in June. Vacation is in summer, during the months of July and August.

The school year is divided into three trimesters and after each trimester there is a break for vacation: Christmas time, Easter and summer holidays. There are usually three evaluations that coincide with each trimester.

The schedule tends to go from: 9 am until 13.30 pm in Primary school and from 8:30 a.m. until 2:30 pm in Secondary school.
There is always at least one break of half an hour in the morning to rest or have a snack. This break is called “recreo ”.

There are three cycles and in each cycle two academic years:
- First Cycle. Ages 6 to 8
- Second Cycle. Ages 8 to 10
- Third Cycle. Ages 10 to 12
An academic year can only be repeated once.

Its aim is, to provide basic cultural skills: oral expression and comprehension, reading, writing and mathematics. It will also develop social skills, work and study habits, artistic sense and creative and emotional growth.


Its aim is to provide basic elements of culture, specially the humanistic, artistic, scientific, and technological aspects.
Its aim is also to develop and consolidate study and work habits and also to prepare the students for their subsequent studies.

This phase is divided into four academic years:
There are two cycles:
-First Cycle: 1st and 2nd.(ESO)
-Second Cycle: 3rd and 4th (ESO)

At 1st, 2nd and 3rd all the subjects are compulsory:

- Language, English, Mathematics, Social Sciences, Science of Nature, Technology, Physical Education, Plastic and Visual Education, Technology, Music, French, Religion or Alternatives Activities

At 4th you have two electives subjects more:

if you do not pass all subjects in June there is a new lease on September. You can pass the course with two subjects (if those two are not language and mathematics). Each year can only be repeated twice.

Pantalla: without Certificate

If the compulsory education is not successfully completed, the student can:
(leer las pantallitas)

Pantalla: with Certificate

If students succeed, they receive the Certificate of Compulsory Secondary Education Graduate. This certificate allows them to continue with their studies either in Non-Compulsory Upper Secondary Schools or in Vocational Training.

Pantalla (bachillerato) non-compulsory upper secondary education

This phase prepares students to begin University studies or Senior Level Vocational Training.
It consists of two academic years and various disciplines are offered, with different general subjects and some of them specialized.

The disciplines are:
- Bachillerato in Humanities and Social Sciences
- Bachillerato in Science and Technology
- Bachillerato in the Arts

Pantallita Universidad

After Bachillerato you have two options: make a career college or access to a higher vocational training .

To access to University you must pass a test called “Selectividad” (selectivity). According to the note, you can choose a college career.

Pantalla Vocational training
( volvemos atrás a cuando obtenemos el titulo)

We have said that with the Certificate of Compulsory Secondary School you can also go to Vocational Training, so
This phase prepares students to perform a specific job. There are two levels: Intermediate Level Vocational Training and Senior Level Vocational Training.

Pantalla Intermediate Level Vocational Training

This training lasts for two years and has a period that includes internships in companies.
There is a wide variety of courses providing good professional opportunities.

Upon finishing these studies, students receive the Certificate of Technician.
If you are 18 years or older, with this Certificate you can have an entrance examination to enter Senior Level Vocational Training within the same professional group.

Senior Level Vocational Training

The training lasts also for two academic years and includes a section that includes internships in companies.

Students receive the Certificate of Senior Technician, a very prestigious professional qualification.